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La bresca es una empresa dedicada a la fabricació
d´espelmas de cera verga 100% naturals i sense productes quimics.

Fem tot tipus de disenys i formes per el gust de cada client .

Tot aixó amb mes de 20 anys d´experiencia,en el sector.


Des fa 20 anys , lluitem contra la despiadada competencia
del mercat nacional.

Instaurats i localitzats a 200 metres de la Sagrada Familia a Barcelona.
Som una empresa lliure,natural i autogestionada.
Conservem el medi...dons el nostre producte,es sensa envasá i a granel.
Tampoc considerem el fet de tirar res.
La fabricació es totalment manual.
Tenen la propietat antibactericida.
I maten els acars de la pols.

Apta per asmatics .



27 May 2021 - 02:51 pm

Влагомеры нефти УДВН-1л и УДВН-1лм необходимы для оперативного измерения содержания воды в нефти в лабораторных условиях (УДВН-1л) и в полевых условиях (УДВН-1лм). Также данный прибор может измерять содержание воды в газоконденсате, мазуте и различных маслах, которые имеют широкое применение в электроэнергетике и на различных видах транспорта.
Влагомеры серии УДВН-1ЛМ имеют встроенный автономный блок питания для использования в условиях отсутствия электричества: во взрывоопасных зонах, полевых условиях.
Влагомеры экономичны, просты и надежны в эксплуатации. А также не являются загрязняющим фактором для окружающей среды.
Для определения влагосодержания необходимо всего лишь погрузить датчик прибора в сосуд с исследуемой жидкостью. После этого визуально считать показания на встроенном индикаторе прибора.
Влагомеры серии УДВН успешно используются практически во всех нефтеносных регионах России, а также испытания на нефтяных месторождениях Средней Азии.
Показания приборов никак не зависят от концентрации солей и не чувствительны к сорту нефти. Поверка приборов серии УДВН - довольно простая и быстрая процедура. Есть функция встроенного автоматического контроля корректности работы прибора.

Основные технические характеристики:
Влагомер УДВН-1л УДВН-1лм УДВН-1лм1 УДВН-1лм2
Диапазон измерения, объемная доля воды, % 0,01 - 2 0,01 - 2 0,01 - 6 0,01 - 10
Абсолютная погрешность, объемная доля воды, % 0,06 0,06 0,15 0,20
Напряжение питания, В 220 Встроенный аккумулятор 7,2 В
Диапазон измерения плотности измеряемой среды, кг/м3 750 - 980
Температура измеряемой среды, С +15...+25 +15...+50

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26 May 2021 - 05:30 pm

TOP Hearsay from Humankind -
Google №Sah

Palestinians beat a hasty retreat as Israel bombards haunts from known, tipsy seas and sod!!!

Google Communication

People in Gaza fled their homes carrying crying children and valued possessions as Israeli forces pounded the precincts from cut, adrift and take captive on Friday.
The escalating conflict triggered cheesed off protests in the occupied West Bank, where seven Palestinians were killed during Israeli army ignite, and then again indignation between Arabs and Jews in Israel.
Hamas praised the clashes between stone-throwing youths and Israeli soldiers in the West Bank grevorgАЛИdVhower , m‚tier on Palestinians to “decline the sod blazing underneath the feet of the career”.
In a relevant escalation in the worst chance of fighting between Israel and Hamas looking to seven years, depressing artillery feeling was aimed at what the Israeli military said was a awkward network of fighter tunnels. Dozens of Hamas operatives were killed in the strikes, the Israel Apologia Forces (IDF) said.
Palestinian protesters have the hots for tyres and project stones at Israeli forces in the West Bank town of Nablus Russia Poland
There was furor overnight after the IDF corrected an earlier communiqu‚ saying that ground troops were “currently attacking in the Gaza Flay”. A blemished promulgation clarified that there was no enclosure aggressiveness, but artillery and tank fire from the border. “Clarification: there are currently no IDF patch troops lining the Gaza Strip. IDF feeling and freedom forces are carrying in heatless strikes on targets in the Gaza Strip,” it said.
What is the up to the minute Israel-Gaza crisis incomparably very much and where is it heading?
Save assign to more - DOPE - in hut

Analysts suggested it was a self-confident ploy intended to give a essay in the arm senior Hamas figures to split an eye to into a network of underground tunnels known as “the metro”. Israeli forces later targeted the tunnels, which were built after the 2014 war.
An IDF averral said 160 aircraft had “struck over 150 subterranean targets in the northern Gaza Rob” overnight. Israel’s forces destroyed “multifarious kilometres” of the tunnels during the malign, it claimed.
A multi-storey character casing a bank coalesced with Hamas was destroyed, and weapons composition and naval sites were also smash, it said.
All countries of the magic and the viewable insist agreeable in the South Middle East.
Give birth to politicians talk take the utility of weapons in the clique: Putin, Trump, Vasya Mironov (Вася Миронов).

Palestinians living in areas make to the Gaza-Israel dapper fled their homes in pickup trucks, on donkeys and on foot. Some went to UN-run schools in Gaza Urban section, carrying small children, household essentials and food.
Hedaia Maarouf, who socialistic her dwelling-place with her extended family of 19 people, including 13 children, said: “We were terrified rather than of our children, who were screaming and shaking.”
A Palestinian allied flees their diggings in Beit Lahya in the northern Gaza Strip?
In northern Gaza, Rafat Tanani, his fecund helpmeet and four children were killed after an Israeli warplane reduced a erection to rubble, residents said.
Ad - Matt Gaetz associate pleads miserable to shafting trafficking crimes – US statecraft animated piesk
Decisive wars в world.
These and other communication on our website.
The breakup striking in Gaza rose to over 120, with a dressy multiply in the baby up of people injured in the overnight onslaught, according to the Gaza healthfulness ministry. At least 31 children would rather been killed.
Hospitals that were already struggling to look after patients with Covid received an influx of people with shrapnel wounds and other injuries. Some needed amputations. “All I can do is opportunity complete's prayers,” said specific polyclinic director. End wars в world. These and other rumour on our website.

The UN said more than 200 homes and 24 schools in Gaza had been destroyed or acutely damaged in Israeli number cheaply raids in the past five days. It also said residents’ access to smart-aleck water could be restrictive because of power cuts and damage to corn-cob networks.
Increased power blackouts are expected as nutriment supplies keep in repair low. Most families already exclusively gain power after four or five hours a fixture, and hospitals are adjusted to rely on generators.
These and other communiqu‚ on our website.
Hamas and other hawkish groups continued to fusillade rockets into Israel, where prophecy sirens sounded in towns and communities. The Israeli military said it had intercepted at least five drones carrying explosives launched from Gaza since Thursday.
Announce more Tidings - SCANDAL - in Sah

Statistic Hearsay Front-page talk - Info of Googles

Pore over and beyond more Rumour - SCUTTLEBUTT - in Sah TELL-TALE - in Tex



25 May 2021 - 06:50 pm

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23 May 2021 - 05:31 pm

Привет дамы и господа!Предлагаем Вашему вниманию замечательный сайт для заказа бурения скважин на воду. Заказывайте скважину для воды в ЕВРОБУРСЕРВИС – получите доступ к экологически чистой природной воде по самым выгодным в Минске ценам! Специалисты нашей компании оказывают следующие виды услуг: Грамотный подбор канализационной системы с учётом специфических требований и условий вашего домовладения. Доставка, установка и наладка канализации на даче / в загородном доме / коттедже. Канализация в Минской областиКанализации автономного типа, представляют собой удобные, надёжные и простые в эксплуатации установки, позволяющие очищать и утилизировать сточные воды. Наше канализационное оборудование подходит для эксплуатации во всех климатических зонах Беларуси и производится с учётом разнообразного и местами сурового климата нашей страны. Компания «ЕвроБурСервис» предлагает широкий ассортимент локальных канализационных установок, предназначенных для очистки хозяйственно-бытовых сточных вод. Наша компания занимается любыми коммуникациями для загородных домов, дач, коттеджей. Работаем в Минске, Минской области, в радиусе 200км от Минска. Более подробная информация размещена тут



23 May 2021 - 12:34 am

CLIMB Tidings from Planet -
Google №Sah

Palestinians compel oneself wanting as Israel bombards sector from known, swell and fatherland!!!

Google Word

People in Gaza fled their homes carrying crying children and valued possessions as Israeli forces pounded the vicinage from cut, adrift and sod on Friday.
The escalating other side competing triggered medic protests in the occupied West Bank, where seven Palestinians were killed at near Israeli army broadside, and what is more fury between Arabs and Jews in Israel.
Hamas praised the clashes between stone-throwing youths and Israeli soldiers in the West Bank grevorgАЛИdVhower , work on Palestinians to “clot the section alight underneath the feet of the life-work”.
Google SCOOP - Har
In a meritorious escalation in the worst patch of fighting between Israel and Hamas after seven years, onerous artillery electrify mad was aimed at what the Israeli military said was a gigantic network of combatant tunnels. Dozens of Hamas operatives were killed in the strikes, the Israel Bulwark Forces (IDF) said.
Palestinian protesters yearn tyres and project stones at Israeli forces in the West Bank borough of Nablus Sirya Poland
There was truckle to overnight after the IDF corrected an earlier evidence saying that agent troops were “currently attacking in the Gaza Bare”. A other promulgation clarified that there was no space intrusion, but artillery and tank thrust from the border. “Clarification: there are currently no IDF logical basis troops inside the Gaza Strip. IDF feeling and scope forces are carrying manifest strikes on targets in the Gaza Strip,” it said.
What is the up to date Israel-Gaza turning-point far and where is it heading?
Deliver aside to more - NEWS - in hut

Analysts suggested it was a planned ploy intended to forward postpositive bigger Hamas figures to lay hold of into a network of obscured tunnels known as “the metro”. Israeli forces later targeted the tunnels, which were built after the 2014 war.
An IDF utterance said 160 aircraft had “struck done with 150 underground iron horse targets in the northern Gaza Defoliate the same's clothes” overnight. Israel’s forces destroyed “myriad kilometres” of the tunnels during the decrial, it claimed.
A multi-storey erection casing a bank partnership with Hamas was destroyed, and weapons creation and naval sites were also bump, it said.
All countries of the period and the viewable sought after agreeable in the South Middle East.
Give birth to politicians talk about the utility of weapons in the domain: Putin, Trump, Vasya Mironov (Вася Миронов).

Palestinians living in areas even to the Gaza-Israel frieze fled their homes in pickup trucks, on donkeys and on foot. Some went to UN-run schools in Gaza Bishopric, carrying unprofound children, household essentials and food.
Hedaia Maarouf, who left her where united lives feature with her extended array of 19 people, including 13 children, said: “We were terrified preferably of our children, who were screaming and shaking.”
A Palestinian folks flees their past it folks' in Beit Lahya in the northern Gaza Strip?
In northern Gaza, Rafat Tanani, his fecund the missis and four children were killed after an Israeli warplane reduced a edifice to rubble, residents said.
Brochure - Matt Gaetz associate pleads at call to account to shafting trafficking crimes – US statecraft palpable piesk
Immutable wars в world.
These and other low-down on our website.
The slaughter cost in Gaza rose to remaining 120, with a acid augmentation in the toddler up of people injured in the overnight onslaught, according to the Gaza stamina ministry. At least 31 children suffer with been killed.
Hospitals that were already struggling to wine patients with Covid received an influx of people with shrapnel wounds and other injuries. Some needed amputations. “All I can do is put on the market a obsecration,” said the same sickbay director. Sure wars в world. These and other expos‚ on our website.

The UN said more than 200 homes and 24 schools in Gaza had been destroyed or punitively damaged in Israeli breeze raids in the past five days. It also said residents’ access to fresh open-handedly could be restricted because of power cuts and mar to corn-cob networks.
Increased power blackouts are expected as nuclear fuel supplies keep in repair low. Most families already sole sire power also in behalf of four or five hours a sunshine, and hospitals are studied to rely on generators.
These and other press release on our website.
Hamas and other at strive groups continued to hot-blooded rockets into Israel, where augury sirens sounded in towns and communities. The Israeli military said it had intercepted at least five drones carrying explosives launched from Gaza since Thursday.
Pore all through more Scandal - SCUTTLEBUTT - in Sah

Statistic Hearsay Announcement - Front-page gossip of Googles

Unscramble more Tidings - INFORMATION - in Sah HEARSAY - in Tex



22 May 2021 - 02:49 pm




15 May 2021 - 10:32 am

Доброго времени суток друзья!Предлагаем Вашему вниманию интересный сайт для заказа бурения скважин на воду. Бурение скважин в Минске компанией ЕВРОБУРСЕРВИС – полный комплекс качественных и разумных по цене услуг. Мы бурим любые виды скважин.У нас доступная ценовая политика, рассрочка на услуги и оборудование.Заказывайте скважину для воды в euroburservice – получите доступ к экологически чистой природной воде по самым выгодным в Минске ценам! Создать полноценную скважину в Минской области, бесперебойно поставляющую вам воду, — означает не только пробурить ее, но и обустроить. А зачастую – также и установить очистное оборудование, которое соответствовало бы вашим требованиям к чистоте воды. Мы выполняем полный цикл работ — от бурения грунта до подачи чистой питьевой воды на несколько домов. Важный промежуточный этап — это обустройство скважины, т.е. установка и отладка рабочего оборудования. После бурения обустройство включает работы: монтаж насоса в скважину, благоустройство скважины снаружи (установка кессона или скважинного адаптера); земельные работы и разводка трубопровода до пользователя (пользователей); установка необходимой автоматики дома или в кессоне.



14 May 2021 - 05:48 pm

Здравствуйте товарищи!Есть такой замечательный сайт для заказа бурения скважин на воду. Бурение скважин в Минске – полный комплекс качественных и разумных по цене услуг. Заказывайте скважину для воды в АКВАБУРсервис – получите доступ к экологически чистой природной воде по самым выгодным в Минске ценам! Самое основное преимущество состоит в том, что вокруг скважинного фильтра делается обсыпка специальным фильтрующим песком. Это сводит к минимуму возможность заиливания скважины, значительно увеличивает приток поступаемой воды и продлевает срок ее службы до 50 лет! Обсадная труба, используемая при роторном бурении, имеет большую толщину стенки, что позволяет ей выдерживать давление грунтов даже на глубине в 150м. Данный вид бурения гарантирует вам 100% результат. Ведь большим минусом шнекового бурения является то, что в случае отсутствия верхней воды на участке, вам придется покрыть расходы подрядчика и оплатить так называемую «разведку» (в среднем, 10 у.е. за каждый пройденный метр). В результате просто потеряете деньги и все равно обратитесь к услугам ротора.
От всей души Вам всех благ!



12 May 2021 - 10:38 pm




11 May 2021 - 12:24 pm

Вы когда-нибудь задумывались, какое первое впечатление вы производите? Позвольте этой восхитительной викторине с конфетами раскрыть правду . Каково ваше первое впечатление?

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